Tag: inventhelp patent an idea

  • What/Who is an Inventor? The Inventor Lady with Ian Osborn

    What/Who is an Inventor? The Inventor Lady with Ian Osborn

    Ian Osborn Bio: CEO and Owner of Wild Ideas Light Company. Ian designed, developed and manufactured items that he invented for all to use for fun and general use. He likes providing qualityproducts designed to function better than existing products. Professional Pilot, designed products that increase safety for the general publicand holds multiple patents. He…

  • Inventor Road Map – The Inventor Lady with George Peters

    Inventor Road Map – The Inventor Lady with George Peters

    Guest: George Peters Bio: George is the President of Invent New England, one of the oldest inventor organizations in the country devoted to education and resources for independent inventors. George’s most successful venture to date has been helping to create KettlePizza with co-founder Al Contarino in 2010. KettlePizza, turns charcoal and gas grills into pizza…

  • Introducing “Invent America” on Home Talk USA

    Introducing “Invent America” on Home Talk USA

    Michael King welcomes The Inventor Lady, Rita Crompton, his new co-host for the upcoming HomeTalkUSA segment “Invent America.” Discover what’s next in home improvements and explore new products and innovations. Or, have that next great big idea? Learn what it takes to bring your invention to the world. Rita Crompton, known as “The Inventor Lady,”…

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