Inventor News APRIL 24- Professional Tradeshows / WARNINGS

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Inventor News - Professional Tradeshows / WARNINGS

It has been a crazy few weeks of professional tradeshows; but then this is the season for face to face contact in the Business to Business world of consumer products

Experience has taught us that some shows rank higher than others when it comes to showcasing new inventions. And, as in all things, the one constant we see, is change. Shows that used to play host to the independent inventor and make it well worth their while to attend, have become nothing more than a feeding ground for diverting inventor money and resources into pockets of a selected few who run these inventor sections, truly, for their own benefit. If you are an inventor or you have inventor clients, these are the things to watch for when selecting which tradeshow makes the most sense to attend:

1. AVOIDED LIKE THE PLAGUE. Any shows that have an Inventor Section dominated by a 501(c)(3) purporting to represent the interests of the independent inventor, are to be AVOIDED LIKE THE PLAGUE. After having attended the same show annually for a number of years, we were forced to leave due to a major shift in how the show was managed. We witnessed, over the course of a few years, how this professional show was captured by one such 501(c)(3) , e.g., the United Inventors Association, which prevailed upon the show management to exclude any competition not specifically blessed by this organization and contained within its Inventor Section. In this regard, we have heard from several reliable sources that the organization, under new management, has been engaging in unfair channeling of business to their preferred providers. That is a big no-no under the rules regulating 501(c)(3)s. The really bad part is that organizations like this proclaim that they are protecting the American Inventor when in reality they’re actually harvesting the inventors for their own private gain.

2. Make use of the list of Exhibitors who have previously attended the show event you are considering. You should be able to find it online, especially a list of the most recent show. If you cannot pronounce the names of the exhibitors, the show has been overrun by foreign entities. Again, this is not going to be the best place for American Inventors. We had several attendees at the National Hardware show a few weeks ago who reported that the show was 80% International. This is not where you want your new product on display. Your patent is protected in the US, not necessarily in other countries.

3. Pick a Professional Tradeshow (not a consumer based show) that is specifically for, or includes, your product’s industry. Stay away from shows that are geared to the inventor rather than your industry. These have become very predatory and the inventor is the main course. These shows are overrun by service providers trying to sell services to the inventor, not buyers and/or licensees who could have legitimate interest in your product.

Now it’s time to get back to work helping inventors get teed up and ready to sell or license.

For Inventors or your clients:

1. Invent America radio is always looking for inventors to be on the show. It’s free for the American Inventor to join us. Just fill out the form on the website:
2. Inventors (and your clients) need multiple service providers to get a product to market. One bad service provider can make the difference between success and failure. If you need access to good vetted service providers, let me know. We have many in all categories.
3. Join us at the monthly Inventors Roundtable meetings. There are 2 virtual meetings a month where inventors can meet and visit with other inventors from around the country. . The meetings are free, and inventors learn a lot talking to other inventors.

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